Traditional pickles
Depending on how big vessel u have need to 1 or 2 kg cucumbers.
Fennel, garlic, horseradich root, few seeds of sharlock and leaf of grape (not necessary) For every 1 liter of water need 1 spoon on salt.
I place cucmbers layers, beetwen them insert a spices and flood hot water with salt. After one day are a hard and crunchy, if insert them to jars and boil they can be all winter season. They have specific taste, very acid.
"Devil" cucumbers
2,5 kg cucumbers
0,5 kg sugar
5-6 spoons oil
3 full spoons spicy paprika chili (more or less if u dont like very spicy)
4 full spoons sweet red paprika
375 ml (1,5 cup) vinegar
4 full spoon salt
2,5 garlic bulb
Vinegar, sugar and oil boiled.
Cut cucumbers to fours pieces without peel and sprinkle a salt and leave to 6 hours, after this time spill a juice. The next sprinkle a paprika, garlic cut to slice and flood cooler vinegar+sugar+oil and leave for next 12 hours. Mix beetwenwhiles. Insert everything to jars and boil to 5 minutes.